Gauze bandages are widely used in homes and medical settings. Gauze bandages are a common medical item. They are usually used to wrap wounds or affected areas. There are many types, and the functions of gauze bandages are relatively comprehensive.

First, the role of gauze bandages

The function of gauze bandages is commonplace. It is a material used to repair and protect damaged parts. This is a medical necessity for surgery. Simple gauze bandages are made of cotton or gauze. Commonly used on human limbs, tail, head, chest and abdomen. Another gauze bandage is more responsible for the focus. This gauze bandage is designed to make gauze bandages in various shapes depending on the affected area and shape. The material is also changed to single-layer cotton. When using a double layer of cotton cloth, you can clip cotton cloths of different thicknesses together to increase the thickness and protect the affected area. These hospital gauze bandages are wrapped in strips of cloth so medical staff can tie knots and repair a patient’s affected area. Gauze bandages generally include back waist gauze bandages, chest gauze bandages, eye gauze bandages, abdominal gauze bandages, etc. There is also a special bandage gauze, which is mostly used to fix the limbs and joints of the human body.

II. Types of gauze bandages

There are many types of gauze bandages, such as 100% cotton plain gauze bandages, crepe elastic gauze bandages, spandex elastic gauze bandages, PBT elastic gauze bandages, cotton selvage gauze bandages, viscose gauze bandages, etc. The function of gauze bandages is closely related to its type. Rolled gauze bandages are also known as single bandages. There are three kinds of materials: cotton, gauze, and elastic rolls. According to the different parts of the tape, there are various names, including head, tail, body, inner surface, outer surface, top, bottom. and certain parts of the mouth.

An enhanced version of the roll gauze bandage is a double-ended gauze bandage. As the name suggests, it has two heads and is roughly the same function and size as a roll gauze bandage. There is also a medical gauze bandage, called triangular gauze bandage, also called triangular scarf. This gauze bandage is made of natural cotton, that is, cotton with four equal sides about one meter in length is cut diagonally into two large triangles. Then cut the finished triangle scarf from the centerline of the top edge to the bottom edge. It can be divided into two relatively small triangle scarves. Different parts have different names. They are: base, vertex, and left and right points. Their most important role is to suspend the arm and forearm and hold it.

Medical gauze bandages have many functions. The flexible use of gauze bandages can greatly improve the function of gauze bandages themselves, and can be better used to bandage the affected areas of patients.